Trading starts for Photon Energy Investments bond on Frankfurt stock exchange

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Trading started today for the Photon Energy Investmentscorporate bond on the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.Interested investors can subscribe to the bond with an attractivecoupon of 8% and a quarterly payment until January 31st 2014directly through the issuer.

Amsterdam, 12.03.2013 –  Trading started today for the8%-corporate bond of Photon Energy Investments N.V., a division ofglobal solar power solutions and services company, Photon EnergyN.V., in the Open Market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.Close Brothers Seydler Bank acts as equity. The bond’s priceremained stable at 100% of the issuing price. The bond is alsolisted on the stock exchanges in Berlin, Hamburg and Hannover.Interested investors can also subscribe to the bond directlythrough the issuer until January 31st 2014 by using an online-formon the website www.photonenergyinvestments.comor through their bank using the ISIN DE000A1HELE2.

„So far we have placed a large enough share of thesubscription volume to allow us to kick start first projects fromour large project pipeline”, says Founder and CEOGeorg Hotar . “Given the challenging market situationwe see the result as evidence of investors trusting our businessmodel and our strategy to expand our portfolio in future marketssuch as Australia, North America, Romania and Turkey”.
The proceeds of the issue will be used to expand Photon EnergyInvestments’ international portfolio of PV power plants incarefully selected future growth markets. The company has plans tocommission new projects as soon as 2013 to grow its income base. Adetailed global project pipeline of almost 127 MWp is the key tothe company’s expansion to markets such as Canada, the USA,Australia, Romania and Turkey. The proceeds substitute the EC-ratiofor financing the construction phase (working capital character).After the plants are commissioned, the equity capital is flows backand can be used to further the expansion of the portfolio. PhotonEnergy Investments profits from falling PV technology-prices aswell as growing energy consumption in target countries.

Photon Energy Investments aims to fulfill high voluntary standardsof transparency regarding investor relations for its 8% corporatebond. “By setting ourselves high reporting standards and payinga quarterly coupon we want to show investors that we are operatingin the reliant sweet spot of the Renewable Energy sector. We areconvinced that bondholders will appreciate this transparency andthat we will set a benchmark among mid-sized companies,”explains CEO Georg Hotar.

Photon Energy Investments plans to publish not only audited yearlyreports but provide investors with regular quarterly financialupdates. In addition bondholders will be informed on theperformance of the current portfolio of power plants as well as theprogress of the planned expansion and the status of the projectpipeline in monthly reports. The first monthly report is scheduledto be released on April 15th together with unaudited financialfigures for 2012.

Facts and figures:

Issuer: Photon Energy Investments N.V.
Planned issue volume: up to 40 Mio. EUR
Coupon: 8% annually, with an equal quarterly payment schedule
Placement / Stock exchange segment:Public placement in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakiaand Poland.  / Secondary market: Open Market
Specialist:Close Brothers Seydler AG
Company rating:BB- (Creditreform)
Covenants:Pari passau-Equal seniority of existing and future unsecuredclaims
No profit distribution to the parent company during term
Equity ratio must always be at least 25%*
Negative pledge
Change-of-control clause
Cross Default
No cash pooling with parent or sister company
Denomination:1.000 EUR / 100%
Term / Redemption:5 Years / 12th March 2018 at par
Use of proceeds:As equity contribution in the acquisition of PV solar powerassets, with priority given to the markets of North America andAustralia, and secondarily to Romania and Turkey.

* Subject to current legal framework requirements. The sum ofinterest-bearing debt capital and equity capital are used as totalcapital to determine the Equity ratio.

This document and the information contained within constitutesneither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any corporatebonds of Photon Energy Investments N.V., nor any financial orinvestment advice in Germany nor any other country, particularly ifsuch an offer of solicitation is forbidden or not allowed, and doesnot substitute the sales prospectus. Potential investors are askedto inform themselves about and respect possibly existingrestrictions. s. A public offering of partial bonds of PhotonEnergy Investments N.V will take place solely through and based onthe publication of the sales prospectus and its attachments and itsfiling with the Federal Financial Supervisory. This prospectus willbe published on The informationpublished in this document may not be distributed outside Germany,Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland and in particularnot in the USA and to US citizens (as defined in Regulation S ofthe US Securities Act 1933 (“Securities Act”) in the currentversion), or to publications which are distributed in the USA,except if a legal obligation exists to distribute thesepublications outside Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakiaand Poland.

Jan Krčmář
T +420 773 032 182

Photon Energy Investments N.V. is an independent producer ofelectricity from its own portfolio of PV power plants. It is partof the Photon Energy group, a global solar power solutions andservices company. Photon Energy Investments’ core business is solarpower asset creation and management, and providing sustainable andlong-term cash flows for shareholders. The portfolio of PhotonEnergy Investments includes 25 solar power plants in CzechRepublic, Slovakia and Italy with a total installed capacity of26,7 MWp at the end of 2012. The company is expanding its assetportfolio with new solar power plants in Europe, Australia andNorth America.


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