Photon Energy will build 99 kWp power plant in Australia

2 minutes read

Photon Energy signed an EPC project for a 99 kWp roof mountedphotovoltaic installation in Sydney. The construction of the powerplant is planned to commence in mid January 2015. Upon completionof the project, Photon Energy will also provide operations andmaintenance services combined with a monitoring and controlsystem.

The ultimate goal of the project, signed on 4 December 2014, isto increase the building’s NABERS rating, which is a nationalrating system measuring the environmental performance of Australianbuildings, including among other things their energy efficiency andimpact on the environment, reaping financial benefits for itstenants, the building owner and the community.

The project is expected to be finalised and commissioned inMarch 2015 and will be eligible for the Small Scale TechnologyCertificate scheme (STC), which provides rebates for solar PVsystems below 100 kWp. 

The above project will be the fifth solar power plant built andoperated by Photon Energy in Australia bringing the total installedbase to more than 700 kWp of solar PV. ¨


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

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