Photon Energy strengthens position as leading Satcon service provider

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Photon Energy Operations has taken over further servicecontracts for Satcon central inverters for clients in Germany,Belgium, France and the Czech Republic with a combined capacity of25 MWp. Photon Energy Operations’ team of experts consists offormer Satcon technical staff who between them commissioned 130 MWpof inverters all over Europe. With know-how of repairing faultyhigh-tech components and diversified access to spare partsinvestors have nothing to worry about. Photon Energy Operations isnow servicing Satcon inverters at power plants worth approx. 100MWp and is the leading provider of Satcon services in Europe.

Amsterdam, 31 March 2014 – Photon Energy Operations, a divisionof global lifecycle-oriented power solutions provider PhotonEnergy, is strengthening its position on the market by taking overmaintenance contracts for Satcon inverters at power plants with atotal capacity of 25 MWp. The company already provides full O&Mservices in seven countries across two continents and maintenanceservices for Satcon inverters worth approx. 100 MWp acrossEurope.

We aim to establish long-term service relationships withcustomers by offering them cost-effective services including theoption of remote support, repair of faulty components and quick,diversified access to spare parts at low prices”, saysCEO Georg Hotar. Photon Energy has developed itsown software for the remote servicing of inverters, lowering theneed for on-site maintenance interventions. At the same time theneed for regular preventive maintenance should not beunderestimated.

For investors whose power plants run on central invertersmanufactured by the now defunct Satcon, Photon Energy Operations isthe logical choice. Photon Energy has taken on board former keySatcon engineers who between them have commissioned over 130 MWp ofSatcon inverters all over Europe. After the former manufacturerclosed shop, Photon Energy Operations moved quickly and securedboth key personnel and access to spare parts as well as refurbishedequipment. “Who else would you rather have taking care of yourinverters than the people who actually installed them and know theminside out?” says Georg Hotar, CEO of PhotonEnergy.

From our experience of servicing more than 100 MWp ofSatcon inverters we know that almost every central inverter isunique and was built and installed to certain specifications”,explains Pavel Laurinec, Technical Manager CentralInverters at Photon Energy Operations. “Investors needto know that in many cases there is no need to buy newcomponents”, Laurinec adds. “A DPCB board for example isan extremely expensive spare part, but faulty boards can berepaired, which keeps costs down and also represents a moresustainable service approach”, he adds.

One of the most common issues that was overlooked during theinstallation are poorly sealed AC and DC cable entries or missingbottom covers.  “Insufficiently sealed inverters are oftenexposed to increased humidity leading to a shorter lifespan, aswell as rodent infestation which causes internal wiringdamage”, Pavel Laurinec explains.


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182


Photon Energy Operations provides fully integrated monitoringand O&M services for PV power plants in Germany, Italy,Belgium, Central Europe, Australia and a growing number of othercountries. The company currently has over 50 MWp under fullmanagement and its power plants operate almost entirely with anuptime above 99%, thanks to its advanced monitoring and managementsystem. Photon Energy Operations also offers revenue enhancementservices, uptime & performance guarantees and comprehensiveinsurance solutions. The company is part of Photon Energy Group, aglobal solar power solutions and services company based in theNetherlands. For more information please

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