Photon Energy signs new Inverter Cardio contracts and adds Bulgaria to portfolio

2 minutes read

Photon Energy is continuously expanding its invertermaintenance portfolio and has added Bulgaria to its list ofcountries, in which it now provides „Inverter Cardio“ services. Newcontracts worth more than 12 MWp for complete maintenance ofcentral inverters in Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Bulgariawere signed in the past weeks. Photon Energy now offers more than50 MWp of contracted „Inverter Cardio“ and delivers vital servicesand spare parts to a further 100+ MWp across Europe.

Photon Energy’s O&M division Photon Energy Operations hasadded Bulgaria to its portfolio by signing new “Inverter Cardio”contracts, along with new contracts for maintenance in Italy,France and the Czech Republic. “Inverter Cardio” includes a fullservice, which takes care of central PV inverters, while keepingcosts for investors at a minimum.

“Inverter Cardio is based on the idea that a centralinverter is the heart of a power plant, and should be treated ascarefully as a human heart”, explains CEO GeorgHotar. “Our approach is based on keeping costs as lowas possible, by using remote support, repairing components insteadof fast-cash spare-part-deals, and by applying our revolutionarypredictive maintenance service”

Predictive maintenance is an innovative approach to centralinverter service and maintenance. “Based on our serviceinterventions database and detailed knowledge of inverters, we canaccurately predict mean time before critical components fail”,explains Pavel Laurinec, Senior Technical Manager CentralInverters. “Calculations of mean time before failureare used to purchase spare parts for our strategic safety stock andto create tailor-made spare part kits for PV plants,” headds.

Another key element is repairing components. “As a result ofunfavorable pricing policies of custom central inverter electronicboards, in 2013 we established an electronic board repair workshop.Our customers can choose from new, used and refurbished electronicboards based on their budget or service strategy,“ addsPavel Laurinec, Senior Technical Manager CentralInverters.

Media contact

Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

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