Photon Energy signs 13,5 MWp new O&M contracts

2 minutes read

Photon Energy has taken over full operation andmaintenance (O&M) of five power plants in the Czech Republicwith a total capacity of 13,5 MWp. The company now delivers O&Mservices to power plants in Europe and Australia worth almost 140MWp while supplying spare parts for a further 100 MWp of centralinverters. Key to Photon Energy’s O&M services is a cost-savingpreventive approach to PV maintenance.

Photon Energy’s subsidiary „Photon Energy Operations“ hasexpanded its O&M portfolio, adding 13,5 MWp in the CzechRepublic by taking over the full operations, monitoring andmaintenance for five power plants owned by investors WISEnergo. 

In the last year Photon Energy Operations has doubled itsportfolio to almost 140 MWp, delivering full-O&M, standalonemonitoring solutions and specialised central PV invertermaintenance to power plants in eight countries across twocontinents. Furthermore Photon Energy Operations delivers regularservice interventions and delivers spare parts for a furtherapprox. 100 MWp in several European countries.

Combined with our investment protection services we candeliver complete lifecycle services for assets, from maintenanceand operations on the ground as well as legal protection“,comments Photon Energy CEO Georg Hotar.

Retroactive cuts to Feed in Tariffs or taxes, such as theones imposed on Czech solar investors, shift the focus of investorsmore and more towards getting the most out of their assets”,Hotar explains, emphasising Photon Energy’s approach based oncost-saving and yield-maximisation through preventivemaintenance. 

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