Photon Energy shows why solar should play a part in all property refurbishments

3 minutes read

With the recent commissioning of two rooftop solar power plantstotalling 347 kW as part of a general building reconstruction inthe ACT, Photon Energy have again demonstrated how integratingsolar power into commercial space can transform buildings and makethem ready for the future. The power plants increase the overallvalue of the buildings. By integrating solar power into newcommercial buildings, investors can achieve highest possible NABERSratings, making their projects attractive to a wider range oftenants. As with the 1THD building in Sydney last year, thisproject was installed during a general renovation of an olderproperty.

The refurbishment of commercial premises in the AustralianCapital Territoty (ACT) underlines how important achieving highenergy efficiency is in today’s property management and real estatebusinesses. By adding a solar power plant, the property developerseffectively complemented other sustainable features such as theefficient use of natural light. 

The two solar power plants in question, with a combined capacityof 347 kWp, were designed and installed by Photon Energy Australia,a subsidiary of global solar power solutions provider Photon EnergyNV. In total, 1,311 solar panels cover an area of 2,850 m2.

„When buildings are refurbished or built, it is an ideal time tointegrate solar power, smart demand management and energy storage.Incorporating solar power is an extremely cost effective way ofadding NABERS stars“, says Managing Director Michael Gartner. “WhenAustralia Post undertook to renovate their headquarters in Sydney,the solar power plant delivered by Photon Energy played an integralrole in raising the building’s NABERS rating”, Gartner adds. NABERSand Green Star are two property rating systems in Australia.

Last year Photon Energy delivered a unique 99 kW rooftop solarpower plant for the reconstruction of Sydney’s 1THD building. Therethe engineers were tasked with achieving a high energy outputtarget while leaving rooftop space for other uses, such as storage.As a result, the solar power plant is mounted onto raised steelstructures, giving the possibility to walk under the structure andallowing for the use of space underneath the solar arrays for otherpurposes. All in all, the 384 solar panels cover an area of 635 m2,creating a total of approximately 1000 m3 of space.  

“The ACT is leading the way in terms of renewable energy, havingannounced their goal of 100 percent renewables by 2025 and we areglad that we can be part of this energy revolution”, MichaelGartner added.

Photon Energy’s monitoring and PLC controls system integratesseamlessly into the building management system and allows the gridoperator to monitor and control the power plant simultaneously.

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