Photon Energy records positive Q2 2015

1 minute read

Photon Energy has published its report for Q2 2015 during whichthe company grew its EBITDA and recorded a profit before taxationof EUR 1.55 million.

During the last quarter, Photon Energy’s revenues fell by 5% YOYto EUR 4.3 million but the company managed to grow its EBITDA by 3%YOY to EUR 2.6 million and to record a profit before taxation ofEUR 1.55 million, compared to a EUR 0.6 million loss for the sameperiod last year. Reflecting changes in the financing structure andimproved operating margins across business lines, the improvementin earnings experienced during the first quarter was thereforeconfirmed. In light of this positive trend for the first half of2015 and taking into account the contract recently signed inAustralia for the construction of a 348 kWp power plant as well asthe recently secured O&M contracts, the Group keeps ontargeting a positive bottom line in 2015.

Download the report here (pdf).

All our reports can be found on the Reports page in our Investor Relationssection.


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