Photon Energy expands O&M portfolio

3 minutes read

Photon Energy Operations is expanding its O&M services toSouthwest Germany by initially undertaking a succession of servicecontracts for rooftop PV plants previously serviced by theinsolvent company, SunConcept GmbH. Along with new servicecontracts in other countries, Photon Energy Operations’ O&Mservices portfolio has risen to more than 50 MW worldwide.

Photon Energy Operations is expanding its operations andmaintenance services into Southwest Germany through its subsidiaryPhoton Energy Operations DE SW GmbH. A large succession of ordersfor O&M contracts for rooftop PV plants previously held by thenow insolvent company SunConcept GmbH has been the catalyst of thisexpansion. The PV plants are located primarily in the region ofHessen.

After an agreement was signed with the responsible liquidator inearly September all former clients of SunConcept have receivedservice offers, and a large number of them have already signed newcontracts with Photon Energy Operations.

Growing international portfolio

Photon Energy Operations continues to expand its portfolio of powerplants under management across several countries. In October twonew plants representing 2 MW were added in the Czech Republic. Thisbrings the current total of serviced PV plants to 51,7 MW. Thecompany has plans to expand its O&M portfolio internationallyby targeting new markets such as Romania or North America.

Operations and maintenance grow more important

With solar energy playing an increasing role in today’s worldsome investors oversee the importance of proper O&M of theirassets. Many plants do not run at full capacity due to faulty orcontaminated modules, mistakes in the planning and constructionphase or insufficient maintenance. Real-time monitoring can helpmake technical adjustments which ultimately lead to an increase inrevenues.

“As with any other long-term investment it is vital to havePV-power plants running at full capacity,” says PhotonEnergy Group CEO Georg Hotar. Especially during the wintermonths the right O&M can contribute enormously to maximising aplant’s output. Insufficient O&M on the other hand can causesmall-scale outages to remain undetected. Photon Energy Operations’integrated service approach helps PV plants and their revenuesachieve their full potential.


Photon Energy Operations provides fully integrated monitoringand O&M services for PV power plants in Germany, Italy, CentralEurope, and a growing number of other countries. The companycurrently has over 50 MWp under management and its power plantsoperate almost entirely with an uptime above 99%, thanks to itsadvanced monitoring and management system. Photon Energy Operationsalso offers revenue enhancement services, uptime & performanceguarantees and comprehensive insurance solutions.
The company is part of Photon Energy Group, a global solar powersolutions and services company based in the Netherlands.

Jan Krcmar
T +420 773 032 182

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