Photon Energy connects new rooftop plants

3 minutes read

Photon Energy’s Australian division has completed theconstruction and connection of two rooftop solar plants with acombined capacity of 284 kWp. Both plants will save a total of 252tonnes of Co2 each year. With solar energy now the cheapest form ofelectricity for many Australians Photon Energy offers solarsolutions covering the entire lifecycle of power plants. FurtherAustralian projects are in the pipeline.

Sydney, 22 February 2013 – Last week Photon Energy finished theconstruction and commissioned two solar power plants in theAustralian Capital Territory (ACT). The rooftop-mounted plants arelocated in Symonston and Fyshwick and have been connected to thegrid. With an installed capacity of 144 kWp the plant in Symonstonis the largest rooftop installation in the ACT at the time ofconnection. The second plant, located in Fyshwick, boasts aninstalled capacity of 140 kWp. Both plants will save a total of 252tonnes of Co2 emissions per year. Photon Energy Australia has alsosecured the operations and maintenance for both plants.

“Photon Energy Australia is making solar electricitycompetitive with power from the grid. In fact, solar electricity isnow the cheapest option for many power consumers inAustralia,” says Michael Gartner, ManagingDirector. Photon Energy provides complete solar solutionsand thereby reliable and cost effective electrical power whereverit is needed. “Commercial consumers can cover a large portionof their day-time electricity demand from their own on site solargenerator at a fixed price. They can avoid the escalating price ofelectricity from the grid and other fossil fuel sources,”Gartner continues.

Ideal for solar power
With both solar projects completed Photon Energy’s expansion intoAustralia has gained traction. Photon Energy now operates in fivecountries worldwide with more about to be added to the globalportfolio. In Australia alone Photon Energy has over 30 MWp ofprojects under development. A large portion of future Australianprojects will be managed by the group’s subsidiary Photon EnergyInvestments, which currently operates solar plants generating atotal power of 27 MWp.

Australia boasts the highest average solar radiation by squaremeter of any continent and has long been seen as an ideal marketfor solar power. In a recently published white paper the Australiangovernment has laid out a vision of the continent relying on cleanenergy and largely eliminating coal-fired power stations by 2050.Australia has an active market in Renewable Energy Certificates andhas implemented the world’s first Carbon Tax charging polluters forcarbon emissions in a move to encourage the use of renewableenergies including solar power.

For detailed information about the completed power plants seethe attached fact sheet.


Jan Krcmar
T +420 773 032 182


Photon Energy NV is a global solar power solutions and servicescompany with six divisions of expertise that together cover theentire lifecycle of solar power systems. The company serves theneeds of clients with extensive know-how in project development,investment management, project finance, insurance, technologysolutions, EPC and O&M. Photon Energy is headquartered inAmsterdam, Netherlands and has offices in Germany, Australia,Canada, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy.

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