Fourth coupon payment on 8% bond

2 minutes read

Photon Energy Investments has paid investors theirfourth quarterly coupon on its 8% corporate bond. With thequarterly payment and above-average transparency the company isdemonstrating the sustainability and stability of its businessmodel. Qualified investors can still subscribe to the bond directlythrough the issuer.

Amsterdam, 12 March 2014 – Dutch-basedPhoton Energy Investments N.V., a division of global solar powersolutions and services company, Photon Energy N.V., has today paidthe fourth quarterly coupon on its 8% corporate bond. Qualifiedinvestors can still subscribe directly through the issuer. Thecompany has until now made a name for itself in terms of investorrelations with above-average transparency, publishing annual,quarterly and even monthly reports.

Qualified investors can subscribe to the corporate bond at adenomination of 1,000 EUR directly through the issuer. The bond isalso being traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt, Hamburg,Berlin and in the Corporates Prime segment of Vienna StockExchange. Since its introduction the bond has traded around itsnominal value. Further information on the bond, including theprospectus can be found on


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